

Hey Girl Hey!

My name is Rae. I’m a Life Coach, Jewelry Business Owner, and most importantly, a Mom to an amazing boy who inspires me every day. Growing up without many luxuries, I've always been driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact.

My journey into self-discovery and helping others began with my blog and podcast, 365 Ways to Love Yourself. It was my own way of battling depression and searching for my purpose. Through sharing my experiences, I realized my true calling: to be a beacon of light for women navigating their own paths to healing and self-love.

When the pandemic hit, I felt a strong desire to offer something tangible that could serve as a daily reminder of self-love and positivity. That’s how raediate jewelry was born. Based in LA, raediate jewelry is all about affirmations and inspirational, affordable pieces designed to uplift and inspire. It makes women look and feel beautiful from the inside out.

Beyond my work, I'm a lover of all things fashion, beauty, the ocean, poetry, music, and animals. Each of these passions reflects the eclectic and deep connection I feel with the world around me.

Whether it’s through a coaching session or a piece of raediate jewelry, my goal is to help you uncover your purpose, embrace your passions, and raediate positivity in every aspect of your life.

Let’s discover how beautiful life can be when you start to love yourself truly.

Cheers to finding your sparkle ✨

Interview with VoyageLA